What frightens me is taking control, having control of so much power. It's such a commitment! I have never felt such a sense of responsibility (even though my instructor is right beside me). I have to develop the confidence to take the responsibility and to tell the plane what I want it to do.
There's nothing like take-off to make you feel the rush of power! I did my first one today. Leading up to this, I have learned that the plane requires a lot of right rudder pedal on take-off to compensate for all of the forces that want to turn it to the left. All ready for this then, I hammered in that right rudder when it was time to take off - except that it was right brake instead (rudder is the bottom of the pedal, brake is the top). So instead of roaring down the runway, we did a full donut. My instructor said that was a first for him. We lined up again. I advanced the throttle. Full power! Right rudder! Runway rushing by! Pull back! Up we went!
Climbing out over the lake |
This is a great life lesson for me: If you're going to do anything transcendent, you have to go for it!